
Test: Using Either and Neither

Select the correct version:

  Neither Keegan nor Beardsley was / were able to score during ninety minutes of play.

  Either shark predation or scavenging is / are evident from the findings on the beach.

  The estate manager stated it was / was not neither a wolf nor a dog.

  Neither lemon juice nor apple-cider vinegar cures / cure acne according to some dermatologists.

  Overcooked sprouts or cauliflower ruins / ruin his meals every time.

  Neither Mark nor Julie understands / understand the reasoning behind the decision. 

Answers : 1. was 2. is 3. was 4. cures 5. ruin 6. understands


Past Tense

• Give the simple past tense form of the following words.
• 1. ask ….. 2. enter …..
• 3. win ….. 4. drive …..
• 5. draw….. 6. write …..
• 7. paint ….. 7. swim …..
• 9. cook ….. 10. wash …..
• 11. catch …. 12. throw …..
• 13. bring ….. 14. fly …..
• 15. blow ….. 16. skip…..
• 17. cry ….. 18. laugh…..
• 19. hide ….. 20. push…..
• 21.throw ….. 22. sweep …..
• 23. spend…. 24. win …..
• 25. think ….. 26. take…. . 
• 27. shoot.. . . 28. sink. . . 
29. kneel. . . . 30. hurry.. 
31.divide …. 32. speak … 
• 33. give ….. 34. throw ….
• 35. begin …. 36.keep … 
37. get

• Underline the correct words
• 1. John ( walk , walked ) to the shops just now.
• 2. Hadi ( give , gave ) me a calendar.
• 3. Halimah ( buy , bought ) an old chair from the garage sale.
• 4. The bus driver ( drive , drove ) very fast to reach Melaka in two hours
• 5. Our neighbour has ( buy , bought ) another house.
• 6. Keshvin ( put , puts ) the flowers there just now.
7. I ( read , reads ) a frightening story last night
• 8. They ( close , closed ) the shops when the lights went out.
• 9. Basri ( lost , lose ) his money while playing on the field.
• 10. Rahman and Lim ( hear , heard ) the news on radio just now.
• 11. Shanti ( find , found ) some old books in the store.
• 12. Kim Seng ( slept , sleep ) for almost two hours.
• 13. Mustapha ( refuse , refused ) to go up the stage.
14. The child ( say , said ) his prayers to go up the stage
• 15. The people ( rushed , rushes ) out of the building when they heard 
the explosion.
• 16. I ( catched , caught ) a few grasshoppers to feed my bird.
• 17. Aini ( drank , drink ) a glass of milo before going to bed.
• 18. Hee Kim ( cut , cutted ) out the pictures with a blade.
• 19. Muthu ( break , broke ) his leg yesterday.
• 20. Salim ( washed , washes ) his shoes last weekend.

• Underline the correct words.
• When Encik Hassan ….. ( is , was ) a young boy, he….. ( help , helped ) his father on his small farm. They were very poor and ….. ( earned , earns ) very little from the products they …..( sell , sold ).
• Today Encik Hassan is a very successful businessman. He still ….. ( deal , deals ) in farm products but, he does not work on the farm any 
more.His farm is large and he ….. ( employ , employs ) many workers. His
workers …..( do , does ) all the work on the farm. He just manages the
business. His son, Rahim, …..( keeps , keep) the accounts.
Next year Encik Hassan ….. ( will retire , retires )Rahim …..
( will take ,shall take ) over the business 

Fill in the blanks with the Past Tense form of the verbs in the brackets
• 1. My brother ….. a pen yesterday. ( buy )
• 2. We ….. our friend in the hospital this morning.(meet )
• 3. I ….. out of the window and saw the accident. ( look )
• 4. Adilla ….. to see me last Sunday. ( come )
• 5. The pupils ….. carefully to their teacher just now.( listen )
• 6. The sweeper ….. the room this morning. ( sweep )
• 7. They ….. themselves at the picnic. ( enjoy )
• 8. We ….. our breakfast this morning. ( have )
• 9. Who ….. the bell just now? ( ring )
• 10. Who ….. the girl home yesterday?( take )
• 11. The man ….. the old fan before he left the school.( repair )
• 12. We ….. the boy who fell in the drain.( carry )
• 13. The bus ….. in front of my house yesterday ( stop) 
• 14. My father …..me not to swim in the mining pool .( advise )
• 15. While it was raining, we ….. shelter under the flyover.( take )

• Rewrite the following sentences in the correct tense using the words given 
in brackets.

• 1. I post the letter just now.
• …………………………………………………
• 2. Rosli works in a shoe factory two years ago.
• …………………………………………………
• 3. Jasni walks to school last Friday.
• …………………………………………………..
• 4. Wendy gets many presents last Christmas.
• …………………………………………………..
• 5. We eat and drink after the show.
• ……………………………………………………….
• 6. Jagvin , Prishvin and Allia are at the party last night.
• …………………………………………………..
• 7. I prepare lunch for my family yesterday.
• ………………………………………………….
• 8. Our grandparents visit us last week.
• ……………………………………………………..
• 9. She screams because she sees a mouse just now.
• ………………………………………………………
• 10. He is late so he misses the bus that day.
• ………………………………………………………
• 11.Mother makes breakfast and cleans the house before she left.
• …………………………………………………..
• 12. The old man dies in a road accident in 1991.
• ……………………………………………………

Plural Rules in English

Subject-Verb Agreement - Exercise 1

Choose the correct verb in each sentence below.  Then click the "Check My Work" button to view  the correct answers.
1.  Emily and Greg (comes,  come) to my house every Friday for lunch.
2.  There (is,  are) time to watch the movie.
3.  My friends who are in the band (wants,  want) me to play a musical instrument.
4.  My father or my brothers (is,  are) coming with me to the ball game.
5.  Everyone (needs, need) time to relax.
6.  That bag of oranges (looks, look) fresh.
7.  The lacrosse team (hopes, hope) to win the tournament next week.
8.  Your trousers (needs, need) to be cleaned.
9.  Some of the books on the shelf (is, are) dusty.
10.  Even though the students like the class, a few (thinks, think) that it is too complicated.

1. come   2. is  3. want  4. are  5. needs  6. looks  7. hopes  8. need   9. are   10.  think

Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz 1

Special Instructions:
After answering *all* the questions, press the 'submit' button, and your answers will be automatically checked in seconds. Have fun while you learn!

1. Psychology __________ a fun course.
2. All of the students who took Dave's ESL Class __________ passed.
3. The area __________ dangerous.
4. There __________ my wife!
5. Here __________ some new students.
6. There __________ a lovely person over there.
7. __________ you in love?
8. Dave always __________ nice shoes.
9. There __________ one child in Dave's family.
10. Benjamin __________ funny

1. is  2. have  3. was  4. goes  5.is  6. is  7. Are  8. wears  9. is  10. is  


  1. Post more grammar exercises to attract more students to learn English.. Ganbate...

    1. I had add more exercises already, hope can attract more student to learn english from here.
